Welcome to my blog. Currently it has manifested itself as a barren landscape on the internet. Hopefully over the next year we can spruce it up and add some plants. If you are reading this either you are a close friend or I had an unfortunate brush with fame in the future. Regardless of why you are here I hope you enjoy what I have to type.

My plan is to mainly focus on whatever I am interested in during the course of a particular week. My attention is often diverted to new interests before I can dive deep into something. While this has been a weakness in my life I think that it might make for an interesting blog and will give me something to do. I am a programmer so sometimes it may be something that I have made on my computer or some other week I might be interested in a 19th century strike movement among french bakeries. We will see what happens but I have as little a clue as you do what could happen next.

Thanks for showing up and enjoy your stay.